
Introducing the Shaw Tube Injection compact instrument preamp. Influenced by our previous rack version SOS tube preamp. The Tube Injection was developed by listening to what players wanted in a portable, studio quality instrument preamp. The Tube Injection combines an octal preamp tube stage with a low loss tone section feeding a pair of studio quality transformer-less balanced DIs. If that’s not enough bang for the buck, we’ve also included a 9v DC output to power your pedals.

Features and controls:

Input – accepts 1/4; instrument cable

Thru – passes input back out un-effected to feed a tuner, amp, or pedals.

9v out – used to power pedals when the Tube Injection is used on a pedalboard.

Pad – used to reduced the input level if signal is really hot. Leave this on max unless unwanted distortion is present.

Treble – boosts or cuts high frequency content.

Bass – boosts or cuts low frequency content.

Midrange switch – offers 3 different midrange contours. Highly interactive with Bass and Treble.

Fat switch – adds to the fullness and aggressiveness of the tone. Also interactive with Bass/Treble/Mid switch.

FOH XLR – controls the output level at the XLR jack.

Stage – controls the output level of the low and high 1/4" output jacks.

Gnd lift – lifts the ground at pin 1 of the XLR jack to prevent ground loop induced hum.

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