So you play bass or acoustic guitar and constantly show up at gigs and discover that you are expected to plug directly to the sound console. The venue provides a cheap passive direct box and expects you to use it. Why compromise your tone through a direct box that uses a cheap matching transformer? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a studio quality active direct box mounted on your pedalboard at all times? Introducing the Shaw Pedalboard Direct Box! The Shaw direct box is designed by Creation Audio Labs ( and hand built by Shaw Audio right here in the good ol USA. This pedal is designed with an ultra high input impedance and a super low output impedance, driving a fully balanced XLR output jack. The low Z balanced out will drive very long cable runs without loading your instrument or degrading your tone. Simply mount the Shaw direct box on your pedalboard, feed it 9 volts to 18 volts DC, and enjoy the convenience of always having a balanced XLR output available. The 1/4″ input and output jacks act as an uneffected pass thru allowing the pedal to be placed anywhere in the signal chain. It can be driven directly from an instrument pickup or the output of an effect, the choice is yours. Once you hear how much better your direct signal sounds, you will wonder how you ever lived without one.